Education For Hope
Education For Hope
- Background information
with the aim of improving educational performance of students, Tuki Association Sunkoshi (Tuki) and Child Fund Japan Nepal Office (CFJNO) jointly prepared a five years development plan (FYDP) of ‘Education for Hope’ project with in October 2015 to propose a project agreement to Social Welfare Council (SWC). The Project agreement was entered between ChildFund Japan and SWC on 10 May 2016 for five years (FY 2016 – FY 2020) and project amendment has aslo been done with SWC on November 2019 for 2 years (FY 2019 – FY 2020).
Tuki has been implementing this project since FY 2016. FY 2020 is the fifth (last) with the posibility of extention for next 3 years that is currently being implemented in 17 (projection was for 15 schools, but one SP school mergerwith SP school-Tripurasundari SS in academic year 2019 and 3 schools of Sunkoshi RM ward no. 4 &5 were extended from Fy 2020) schools of three rural municipalities in seven wards. Out of these 17 schools, the Sponsorship Program is implemented in 7 schools and Special Assistance Program (SAP) in 10 schools. For implementation in the 7 SP schools, the project has had intakes of 569 sponsored children.
- Project Outcome : To Improve educational performance of students of 17 working Schools .
- Project Outoput;
Outoput -1: Improved school attendance.
Outoput -2: Improved family income for child. Not implemented.
Outoput -3: Improved physical learning environment in schools.
Outoput -4: Improved teaching and student’s evaluation.
Outoput -5: Improved capacity of School Management Committee and Parents Teacher Association (SMC/PTA).
- People Reach: This project is being implementing in 17 Schools and 13 Child Clubs of three Rural municipalities of Sindhupalchowk district directly reaching 3351 people (2266 school children including 184 child club members, 193 Teachers, 569 Sponsored families, 153 members of School Management Committees, 165 members of Parents Teachers Association and 54 members of School Disaster Management Committees).
- Response/Interventions.
5.1: Capacity Building.
- Training to School Management Committee and Parents Teachers Association.
- Teachsers training – child friendly teaching methodology, teaching materials development and Continue Assessment System (CAS).
- Subject teachers training ( English, Math and Science).
- Learning visit to teachers, School management committee and Parents Teachers Association.
- School Improvement Plan(SIP) preparation Training to Schools.
- A/SIP review and Annual School Improvement Plan (ASIP) preparation training to School.
- Facilitate in Result sharing meeting.
- Facilitate in mother group meeting.
- Child Rights and child protection training to Child clubs.
- Facilitation in Child Club formation and reformation process and their regular meeting.
- Facilitate in formation School Disaster Management Committee (SDMC).
- School Disaster Management Training to SDMC.
- School Safety Plan (SSP)Preparation Training.
- Facilitation in SSP Preparation .
- Tuition class conduction.
5.2: Improvement of School Infrastructures
- School building construction.
- class rooms construction and
- Class room management.
- School toilet construction.
- Drinking water scheme support in School.
- school library Support.
- Office room Management support .
- Playground equipment support.
5.3: Other direct support
- Scholarship support to students.
- Special Scholarship Support for needy children .
- Medical treatment support to sponsored children and disable children.
- Hygiene kit distribution to teachers, school staff and students.
- Sanitation kit distribution to schools
- Teaching materials distribution to teachers.
5.4: Coordination/ linkage/ monitoring related
- Joint project monitoring from District level Education Unit, RM and ward level.
- Coordination meeting with District, Rural Municipality and Ward level Education authorities, Child Rights Network and women and children units.
- Social Audit – Ward level.
- Project brief documentation .
- Project document sharing to District, RM and Ward level.
- Hand over/Phasing out school and rural municipality.
- Budget of FY 2020 Rs. 248,90,648.00
- Achievement so far…
7.1 Outcome level achievement;
Outcome: Improved educational performance of students
Indicator: 1. The average learning achievement students of Grade 1-5 will be increased 64% (May 2015) to 75% (May 2021.)
Achievement: 69% (As of FY 2019)
Indicator: 2. The average learning achievement of students of grade 6-9 will be increased from
47 % (May 2015) to 60% (May 2021).
Achievement: 58% (As of FY 2019)
7.2 Output level achievement;
7.2.1 Output -1: Improved school attendance.
Indicator: The percentage of student of Grade1-5 with minimum 70% attendance rate
will increase from 70% (2015) to 95% (May 2021)
Achievement: 86% (As of FY 2019)
7.2.2 Output : 3 Improved physical learning environment in schools
Indicator: 3-1. By March 2021, the working schools have 41 more appropriate and safe classrooms according to the government standards (construction-16 / repair-25).
Achievement: 52 ( 32 construction and 20 repair) -As of FY 2019, exceeded project’s target
Indicator: 3.2 By March 2021, the working schools will have 51 classrooms of ECD to grade 5 with proper classroom management according to the government standard.
Achievement: 62 as of December FY 2020, exceeded project’s target
Indicator: 3.3 By March 2021, the working schools will have 9 more drinking water tap.
Achievement: 45 taps as of December FY 2020, exceeded project’s target
Indicator: 3.4 By March 2021, the working schools will have 40 more toilet rooms.
Achievement: 27 toilet rooms constructed (67.5% ) as of December FY 2020
7.2.3 Output 4: Improved teaching and student’s evaluation.
Indicator:Percentage of grade 1-5 teachers who obtain 3 full marks of the following annual performance scores in teaching and student evaluation will increase from 39% (Nov. 2015) to 80 % (March 2021).
Achievement:92% as of Fy 2019
7.2.4 Output 5: Improved capacity of SMC/PTA.
Indicator : Percentage of schools of which SMC/PTA obtained 3 full marks of the followings will increase from 0% (Nov. 2015) to 70% (March 2021).
Achievement:100% as of Fy 2019.
Some project photos….