Increasing Assess to Maternal Health Service in Remote Communities (IAMR)


Increasing Assess to Maternal Health Services in Remote Community (IAMR) is lunched in 2019 in Sindhupalchok district. The project is initially proposed for two years with a plan to replicate in other locations over a total of five years. 

Tuki Association Sunkokshi is implementing IAMR program from August 2019 to April 2021 in the partnership with CARE NEPAL. IAMR activities are currently implemented at 4 focused municipality/ rural municipality of sindhupalchok district i.e. Barabise Municipality, Sunkoshi Rural Municipality,  Indrawati Rural Municipality and Panchpokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality. 

The project focused on increasing institutional child birth and to improved water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) behavior among school adolescent.

Donor agency: Alison Cornell

Project period: August 2019 – April 2021

Goal: Increased institutional child birth and improved WASH behaviors among school adolescent in Nepal


  • To construct and operate well-equipped birthing centers.
  • To construct female-friendly toilets in public schools.

1. To increase institutional delivery and improve health system governance

  • Construction of birthing center building along with placenta pit
  • Well-equipped birthing center at all 4 newly constructed birthing center
  • Trained SBA nurse
  • Quality improvement and onsite coaching and mentoring
  • Improved local governance (Community health Scorecard and sensitization to HFOMC)
  • Increased health seeking behaviors among 1,000 days mothers (Self-applied techniques for quality health and Strengthen the referral system)

2.To increase WASH behaviors among school adolescents

  • Construction of Toilet including water supply management including vending machine
  • Adolescent corner established (Establishment of school adolescent corner and MHM and Supply of sports materials for adolescent girls and boys)
  • Increased knowledge and practices (Dissemination of key messages among the adolescent including SRHR and MHM and Develop and distribute IEC/BCC materials )